Posted inAwareness Events, Quirindi

Send him to the Shed for this Men’s Shed Week

Need someone to talk to? Something to do? Or maybe you just need to get out of the house?

Send him to the Shed.

This week, September 1st to 8th, is Australia Men’s Shed week, and the excuse you, or someone you know, might need to try something new.

Cedric Grayson has been a member of the Quirindi Men’s Shed for 14 years and says it a group of guys anyone would want to hang out with. And he would know, he hangs out with then regulary.

“It’s a place where you can come and talk, or not talk,” said Grayson.

“You can come and create or contribute something.

You don’t have to be retired, although most are, and the door is open for everyone to move around and interact and find your space.

“Come down and have a look around and sort of take in your surroundings, and have a think is there something that we can do for you or is there something that you can do for us.”

Men’s Shed Week

This Men’s Shed Week theme is ‘Send him to the Shed’ and it couldn’t be a statement truer.

All around the country Shedders are set to gather throughout the week, celebrating the camaraderie of Men’s Sheds.

From a humble idea in regional Australia, there are now more than 2,500 sheds operating in 12 countries around world. More than 50,000 Australians directly benefit from participation in the grassroots movement each year.

“We know that when men retire, it’s a big change and they are at risk of social isolation which can lead to anxiety and depression, and that can affect physical health too. It often takes someone else to recognise this and suggest they do something about it. And many of them send them down to a Men’s Shed,” said AMSA Executive Officer David Helmers.

“For 30 years Men’s Sheds have been improving the wellbeing and health of men, by building connections over a shared purpose.”

So, come and check out all thing shedding this week.

“If you know someone who might like to learn some new skills and meet some new mates, send him down to the shed!” said Helmers.

The Quirindi Men’s Shed meet every Thursday at 10am at 15 Borambil Rd.

“We put a pot of tea on and enjoy some damper and just chat.” said Cedric.

“I would encourage anyone in the community, or in their own community, to come on down visit the Men’s Shed and perhaps it might be a way of enhancing your retirement or enhancing your own life.”

Not in Quirindi? That’s ok, there could be a Men’s Shed in your town. All you have to do is ask, or check the website

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Kate is a proud mum of two with a wealth of journalism, media and communications experience across the New England and its surrounding regions. She raises guide dogs in her spare time, loves a good chat...