Posted inMemorials and funerals, Tenterfield

Dedicate a plaque in Tenterfield’s Community Memorial Garden

TenterLIFE Suicide Prevention Network Inc. have been granted funding by Wesley Mission – Lifeforce to build Tenterfield Community Memorial Garden.

The garden will be in the top end of Tenterfield Park and we are working with Council and the Naturalists to enable the garden to blend in with this conservation area. The Memorial Garden will have a rustic shelter with a couple of bench seats and native garden, where people can sit and remember their loved ones.

On the uprights of the shelter there will be brass plaques in memory of those who have passed. The plaques will have engraved “In loving memory of _____”and will all be the same to keep the look consistent. A sample of the plaque is below.

If you would like a plaque dedicated to someone who has passed, please contact us on the details below. This is open to all of Tenterfield community and the way they passed doesn’t matter. Your friend or family member could have died from illness, in an accident or by any means, you can have a memorial plaque for them.

TenterLIFE have purchased the plaques and ask that you pay the cost of the engraving, approximately $15.

Please contact TenterLIFE by email –

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