Posted inDelungra

Mustering Community Spirit at Delungra

Famed funny man Peter Rowsthorn will perform in Delungra on 19 October. Supplied by Fiona Adams Leah Bennett - Chairperson Ladybug Projects Muster Up Delungra Inc

With a population numbering in the hundreds, the small farming community of Delungra, west  of Inverell, is tackling community needs with gusto thanks to a newly established group and the can-do attitude of four local women. 

Muster Up Delungra is a non-profit community group, which formed in 2023 when local women, Leah Bennett, Tammy Taylor, Mandy Mepham and publican Felicity Menchin banded  together to do good in their community, bolster the number of events held in Delungra and provide locals with a chance to get to know each other. 

The committee is a mixture of long term Delungra locals, newer arrivals and includes both farm and town based residents and Chairperson Leah Bennett says all are united in helping their community. 

“Living through the drought and then COVID meant many events, social outlets and volunteer run activities really suffered and we decided it was time to do something about reigniting community activity in Delungra.” 

The busy team of four juggled their own working lives, children, grandchildren and the ups and  downs of life and soon commenced a steady stream of activities to raise the spirits of their community, which have ranged from a school holiday kids’ movie to fundraising for the Biggest Morning Tea. 

“We have also been working with community connectors and grant writers Ladybug Projects in Inverell to assist us with obtaining funding to supplement our fundraising activities.” 

“Delungra has certainly had its fair share of hardship and heartbreak, but we have a terrific farming community and the residents of our little town, as well as the businesses, have been very supportive.” 

“The local service station stepped up to provide the location for our successful fresh flower stall for Valentines Day. The local blokes really committed to spoiling their special ladies. We  also had great support from the local area with our Easter Egg raffle.” 

Fittingly, Muster Up Delungra recently spent some of their hard-won fundraising dollars helping  the volunteer run bowling club refurbish their bistro chairs.

The gang is also gearing up for their most ambitious event to date and will be hosting nationally loved comedian and Kath and Kim favourite, Peter Rowsthorn in Delungra for a live show and three course dinner on 19 October at the Delungra Multi-purpose hall. 

“The event coincides with Mental Health Month and we wanted to offer a great laugh, delicious dinner and something special for Delungra by bringing Peter to town”. 

Tickets are now on sale and the celebrated Smo-King BBQ will be providing the three-course meal for event goers. 

Muster Up will also be attending the Delungra Shear 4 Life event on 7 September with a refreshments stall and will be bringing in the Macintyre Lions jumping castle so the kids can  jump for free. This event brings the best shearers from across the nation to Delungra, competing for more than $30,000 in prizes. 

Proceeds for the event will be shared between Delungra Public Schools P&C Committee and the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. 

The ladies at Muster Up say the group is also planning a range of future events, including youth  activities, a women’s wellness event and events for farmers to get together and socialise.

For updates on Muster Up Delungra and their events, visit their Facebook page – @MusterUpDelungraInc

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