Glen Innes’s much-loved Centennial Parklands have had some new, modern additions which are now open for the public to enjoy.
The park, which is popular with tourists and locals alike, has been given a new lease on life with a very sleek looking new amenities block, playground, outdoor seating and arbor.
A recent announcement on the Glen Innes Severn Council’s Facebook page said, “We’re thrilled to share that the Centennial Parklands’ new amenities, outdoor seating, and playground project is nearing completion!”
“The contractor has allowed early access to the new amenities, playground, and outdoor seating area… The project won’t officially be complete until 17 July.”
The sneak peek photos offered by Council show a modern looking black amenities block beside a stone-clad forecourt.
A council spokesperson said, “I am pleased to confirm that the new amenities, outdoor seating area, and playground at Centennial Parklands are now open to the public.”
“While there are some minor works remaining to fully complete the project, we have scheduled the official opening for 5 August 2024, at 11:00 AM.”
Whilst the official opening date has been decided upon, full details of who will attend and officiate the opening, and what other celebrations will be in place, are still to be finalised.
The upgrades sit immediately adjacent to The Crofters Cottage, which houses both the Glen Innes Cultural Centre and Café Glen Innes.
These new facilities in the parklands will completement the pre-existing Australian Standing Stones, as well as the recently added Skywalk, which was opened in January this year.
The Glen Innes Highlands website says that more is still planned to rejuvenate the parklands.
“An ambitious, yet exciting plan is underway to utilise the area to bring together Ngoorabul and Celtic heritage, provide a system of pathways linked to the shared pathways throughout town, and provide a facility that can attract the conference market, build the Australian Celtic Festival, and improve services to the community and tourists.”
For more information about the official opening, an any further future planned works on the Parklands, keep an eye on the Glen Innes Severn Council Facebook page.