Posted inBest in the New England

Best Neighbourhood Store in the New England?

For those in our bigger centres, the corner store is the place you got to when you don’t want to go to a supermarket just for bread and milk, or maybe they make a really great burger. For our smaller localities, the General Store is the absolute hub of activity and an essential part of living in these special parts of the world.

Today’s Best in the New England Category is NEIGHBOURHOOD STORE

Voting is now closed. Congratulations to Neville’s Store in Armidale who won Best Neighbourhood Store


Each morning we’ll announce that day’s category, and you’ll have until 9pm to enter your vote. The category winner is the business that gets the most votes – so make sure you get everyone you know to vote! Can’t decide? You can vote for multiple businesses. Each vote will be one entry into the weekly draw to win $500 cash. See the T&Cs here.

See the winners gallery here.