Posted inBest in the New England

Best Fashion Retailer in the New England?

Hey, we all need to wear clothes right? But there are some who are better than others at making us look good.

Today’s Best in the New England Category is FASHION RETAILER

Now the rules for Best in the New England is that it must be a local business – that is operates or is based in the 12 local government areas that are the New England. A lot of fashion retail is chain stores, so to clarify this rule a bit: you can vote for the local store, you can’t vote for the chain.

So for example, you can vote for Lowes in Armidale, you can’t just vote for Lowes. To help, we’ve added a town field to today’s entry form.

Remember – every vote is also an entry to win $500 each week! Happy voting!

Voting is now closed. Congratulations to Cutting Edge Country!

Each morning we’ll announce that day’s category, and you’ll have until 9pm to enter your vote. The category winner is the business that gets the most votes – so make sure you get everyone you know to vote! Can’t decide? You can vote for multiple businesses. Each vote will be one entry into the weekly draw to win $500 cash. See the T&Cs here.