Posted inTamworth

Its time to roll up your sleeve and give blood

TRC staff members Mags Noonan, Tracy Nugent, and Elley McCallum at the launch yesterday

Tamworth Regional Council launched the 2024 Local Government Blood Drive yesterday, with the aim of getting five times as many donations as last year.

“Council’s been involved (with the drive) since 2016,” Tamworth Regional Council Health and Wellbeing Coordinator Mags Noonan said.

“We actually took out the National award.”

Last year, Tamworth Regional Council came second with 202 donations, behind the Fraser Coast in Queensland with 264, but this year Noonan hopes to return Tamworth Regional Council to being the number one donor LGA.

“Our aim is to win that title again – we’ve been stuck in second place for quite a few years,” Noonan said.

“It’s an important time of the year to encourage people to bring a friend along and donate blood.”

The competition runs from the beginning of July to the end of September – the winter months, when blood donations are traditionally at their lowest.

With each donation able to save up to three lives, a thousand donations could mean a thousand lives saved.

In a statement, TRC General Manager Paul Bennett said “We can only achieve that with a helping hand from our family and friends.

“Any member of the community can ask for their donation to be added to Council’s tally when they make a donation.”

The LGA drive ends on the 30th of September. To book a donation, visit the Red Cross website, or call 13 14 195.

Tamworth Regional Council is currently 4th – sharing the ranking with Melbourne and the Fraser Coast.

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Senior correspondent and Editor of New England Times