Posted inAnimals, Tamworth

Renowned International Equine Physical Therapist coming to Tamworth

Photo supplied by Suzanne Baker

Renowned international equine physical therapist, Suzanne Baker, has announced the introduction of ISBT-Bowen Therapy Equine courses into Tamworth.

Suzanne, who has accompanied veterinary teams as physical therapist for the Asia Games, South-East Asia Games and the Beijing Olympics equestrian events, said Level One of ISBT’s four level Equine Course is planned for September 28/29.

A former international three-day eventing and dressage competitor representing the UK, Suzanne heads equine and canine courses run by the International School of Bowen Therapy (ISBT).

Established in Melbourne, ISBT has been conducting Bowen Therapy human courses internationally for health professionals for over 25 years.

Suzanne, one of ISBT’s first human course graduates in Hong Kong, where she is based at the famous Sha Tin Racecourse, worked with ISBT Directors Lisa Black and Col Murray to develop the techniques for animal use.

“We have developed the course to enable students to be confident to work on their own animals after Level One,” Suzanne said.

“If students wish to continue, successful completion of the full therapist course curriculum enables an industry recognised qualification.” Each level is over two days.

Teacher for the Tamworth course will be Christine Kettle. She is an ISBT-Canine, Equine and Human Bowen Therapist and is a qualified ISBT Animal course teacher and course examiner. Christine has been Instructor, Examiner and District Commissioner for The Pony Club and has owned and ridden horses for over 45 years, competing in royal shows and dressage.

She has a PhD in physiology working full-time as a research scientist and lecturer in physiology and pharmacology at Latrobe University. Christine also runs a very successful ISBT-Bowen Therapy practice in Victoria. She is the first ISBT-Animal Bowen teacher qualified under Suzanne Baker in Australia.

ISBT-Bowen Therapy is derived from the work of Geelong (Vic) manual therapist Tom Bowen (1916-82) who was a legendary manual therapist renowned for treating humans and animals.

Suzanne Baker said the Tamworth Level One, which includes safety and assessment procedures, would enable students to be able to treat a broad spectrum of issues.

“Recognising that riders may play a role in physical problems with a horse, ISBT has included a small component of the human course to provide a more complete package,” she said.

For further information, contact ISBT at

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