Posted inHealth, Moree, Narrabri

Pathology services now at Narrabri and Moree Hospitals

Narrabri and Moree residents will now have better access to quality healthcare with pathology services now available at their local hospitals.

Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD) and NSW Health Pathology (NSWHP) will deliver modern, and sustainable pathology services for Moree and Narrabri hospitals and transition local pathology services to a NSW Health provided service.

“The community experienced significant anxiety and distress around their Pathology services as misinformation allowed negative rumours to fester. Ryan [NSW Minister for Regional Health, Ryan Park] and I are disappointed that the community was subjected to unnecessary distress.” said Member for Barwon Roy Butler.

“I want to thank the community for the way so many people logically stated their concerns verbally, or in writing. I’m pleased specific concerns the community raised are being considered including needing fresh frozen plasma for transfusions, urgent testing and treatment, managing snakebites, and assessing abdominal pain with lipase tests and liver function tests.

“Your views helped inform the positive outcome we have today.”

Following recent community consultation and feedback from staff, HNELHD and NSWHP will implement regional pathology services that include:

·                both Moree and Narrabri Hospitals operating on-site laboratories

·                pathology staff continuing to work in their local communities, and

·                investment in additional enabling point of care testing that supports contemporary pathology practice with faster urgent testing capabilities.

Further consultation with clinical and pathology staff will be undertaken over the coming weeks to ensure staff are supported and the proposed service model is fit for local needs. 

“Transitioning to NSW Health Pathology allows us to benefit from their statewide network of services and technologies, including point of care testing, enhancing our capacity to deliver high-quality and sustainable care to the people of Moree and Narrabri.” said Hunter New England Local Health District Acting Chief Executive, Susan Heyman.

“We along with NSW Health Pathology will continue to ensure these communities have equal access to quality care and timely pathology services.”

HNELHD, NSWHP and the existing private provider SydPath have agreed to a three-month extension of SydPath’s contract from 1 July to 30 September 2024 to support a smooth and safe transition.

“We will continue to consult the communities of Narrabri and Moree, as well as local clinicians, to determine the best way forward for the delivery of local pathology services.” said NSWHP Chief Executive Vanessa Janissen.

“Moving forward, we will continue to keep staff, other healthcare providers, and community leaders informed throughout this process.”

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