Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

In celebration of Men’s Health Week 2024, the TenterLIFE Suicide Prevention Network will once again hold their Car Rally Scavenger Hunt.

Kicking off at 9.30 am on Sunday 16 June, the event promises to be a fun way to connect with others and raise funds for a very serious cause.

Lexie Sherren, chairperson for TenterLIFE said, “This will be our second year running the car rally. We tried it for the first time last year and everyone was instantly asking if we’d do it again so it was a great success.”

Last year the rally saw approximately 30 cars participating and TenterLIFE are expecting this year to be bigger.

“We came up with the idea because we wanted to do something for Men’s Health Week that was a bit of fun and something that the community could get involved with,” said Ms Sherren.

The event will both start and finish at the Tenterfield Railway Museum, with lunch provided at the finish line.

“We’ve just finalised the route and it will be different from last year – all people have to do is follow the signs with our mascot, Korki the Koala, on it, and answer the questions along the way,” said Ms Sherren.

There will be prizes on the day and points are based on the scavenger hunt side of the rally, not on time taken.

Registration for the rally will be open until 7 June and costs just $10 per car. The registration form and further information about the rally are available via the TenterLIFE Facebook page.

A raffle is being run in conjunction with the rally. Tickets are $5 each with 1st prize being a framed Dick Johnson Racing Jacket, and 2nd prize is a Dick Johnson memorabilia pack. Tickets can be purchased directly through TenterLIFE, or from the stall that will be operating outside Tenterfield Coles over the next week.

TenterLIFE Suicide Prevention Network is linked to Wesley Lifeforce, an arm of Wesley Mission that forms the overarching body for many local suicide prevention networks nationwide.

“Our role is to be able to direct people in need to the services they require and make the community aware of different suicide prevention measures and education that is available to them,” said Ms Sherren.

Outside of the upcoming Rally, Ms Sherren strongly encourages the Tenterfield community to join in one of their monthly Walk ‘n’ Talk for Life walks, which they hold each month from Jubilee Park.

“We’re also very pleased to announce that we will be receiving some grant money to construct a community garden in Tenterfield Park which we hope to have finished around September this year,” said Ms Sherren.

“This will be a beautiful peaceful place where people can go for reflection and contemplation and we will have some brass memorial plaques available for memorial notices as well.”

Further information about the memorial garden will be available later this year.

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