Posted inMoree, Public Transport

Last days to have your say on Moree plane service

Moree has often had to fight hard to keep commercial flights coming to the small but important town, and now the community is being asked to have its say again.

The current licence for the Moree-Sydney flight route is due for renewal and Transport for NSW is undertaking the process for the next licence period (commencing September 2024). Moree Plains Shire Council is asking community members to have their say on the service by this Wednesday, April 24. More than 200 people have already voiced their concerns.

Moree Plains Shire Council says they understand that this service is of critical importance to the community and to the residents of surrounding towns, and they will be actively engaging with Transport for NSW during this process.  

The air services which operate from the Moree Regional Airport are fundamental to the Moree community and provide critical links for businesses, access to health care and education for our residents, and making a positive contribution to amenity and quality of life in the region.

“A reliable air service that best meets Moree’s needs is key to the liveability of our Shire and supporting our business community,” Moree Plains Shire Council General Manager, Kelvin Tytherleigh said.

“It is incumbent on Council to ensure that the outcome aligns with the broader community sentiments.”

Community members who wish to express their views and feedback can access the Moree-Sydney Flight Route licence renewal community survey available on:

Survey: Flight Route Licence Renewal Survey

Council website: Moree Plains Shire Council Website

Council Facebook page: Moree Plains Shire Council Facebook

Or alternatively written submissions can be sent to:

Post: Moree Plains Shire Council, PO Box 420, Moree NSW 2400

Submissions close: Wednesday 24 April 2024 at 5pm.

For further information on the program, please contact Moree Plains Shire Council on (02) 6757 3222.

Lia Edwards is a staff writer for the New England Times.