Posted inGlen Innes, Glen Innes Severn Shire, Local politics

GISC seeks community input into future of Glen Innes

Glen Innes Severn Council has launched the Towards 2034 consultation, intended to help shape the future of the community. 

Through this consultation, Council aims to guide the community through vital discussions  concerning the primary aspirations and priorities for the local government area over the next decade, ultimately resulting in the formulation of a comprehensive Community Strategic Plan which every Council undertakes every four years.  

Glen Innes Severn Council General Manager Bernard Smith said he is looking forward to hearing  what the community has to say.  

“Through collaborative efforts with our residents, Council aims to develop a Community Strategic  Plan that reflects the diverse needs and aspirations of our community, ensuring a prosperous and  sustainable future for generations to come,” Mr Smith said.  

“Towards 2034 seeks to shape the future of the community by posing key questions to residents,  ensuring that the Community Strategic Plan accurately represents their vision and values. “

“Our  residents’ input is invaluable in shaping the future direction of the Glen Innes Severn area, and I  encourage everyone to participate actively in this survey.” 

While Council holds the role in initiating and preparing the Community Strategic Plan, it is crucial to  emphasise that it is a community-driven project with all levels of government responsible for  delivery outcomes. Collaboration with partners such as State Agencies and community groups will  be integral to the plan’s implementation.

The Towards 2034 community consultation will commence with an online survey that can be  completed online at: Hard copies are available at both Council  Administration offices (Town Hall and Church Street), Visitor Information Centre, the Glen Innes  Public & TAFE Library and the three village Australia Post locations at, Deepwater, Emmaville and  Glencoe.  

Residents interested in participating or learning more about Towards 2034 are encouraged to visit  Council’s Towards 2034 Have Your Say webpage and follow the Glen Innes Severn Council Facebook page