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More than half a million dollars in funding available for New England Community Organisations

Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation’s first funding round for 2024 is open, with more than $500,000 available for local community groups and charities with new and existing projects.

To support potential applicants with the application process, the Charitable Foundation is hosting a free, online workshop on Wednesday, 20 March at 10:30am. Groups can register here.

Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation Partnership Specialist, Lanah Maruff, said the workshop is open to all, and is designed to build capacity and understanding of the grant funding model.

“Our workshops are open to anyone interested in learning about our application process and ways to improve their approach to grant writing. Whether it’s with us, or another funder, we aim to support organisations in putting their best foot forward,” Ms Maruff said.

“We are looking for partners and projects that take a new, collaborative and inclusive approach to solving problems in the New England community.”

“We are also excited by projects that demonstrate genuine collaboration between organisations of all shapes and sizes with a shared commitment to address disadvantage for people in their communities.”

“Our regional communities continue to face big challenges and we want to ensure our funds go to where they will have the biggest impact. We encourage submissions from eligible organisations who can demonstrate an enduring community benefit for those who need it most.”

Applications can be submitted via the Charitable Foundation website and close at 11:59pm on Tuesday 16 April.

Eligibility information

To be eligible for funding, a group must be endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Type 1 Deductible Gift Recipient and hold Tax Concession Charity status, be registered with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profit Commission, and be a not-for-profit organisation which is charitable at law, and a legal entity such as an incorporate association of corporation.

Groups are encouraged to review the eligibility criteria available at

About Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation

Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation provides more than $1 million in grants each year to charitable projects aimed at improving the health and social wellbeing of vulnerable people in regional New South Wales. Since its establishment in 2003, the Foundation has provided more than $26 million to some 550 community initiatives.

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