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Warialda Showground amenity block open

Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall has formally unveiled the completed new $150,000 shower and toilet block on the eastern side of the Warialda Showground, joining Gwydir Shire Council and P&A Association representatives earlier this week.

Mr Marshall said the project, funded under the previous state government’s NSW Stronger Communities Fund, was a great addition to the showground, adding a second and modern shower block for users of important community facility.

“The showground now boasts a dedicated shower block, with four shower cubicles and accessible toilets, a first for the eastern side of the showground,” Mr Marshall said.

“This will make a huge difference for comfort and enjoyment showgoers and participants in the many events held at the showground throughout the year.

“The existing toilet block on the eastern side of the grounds, built around 50 years ago, will also undergo a spruce up with new toilets, hand basins and a paint job.

“Patrons will get a pleasant surprise come showtime next year as thew new facilities will be a world apart from the old.

“Building new toilets and showers have long been a priority for the P&A Association and I congratulate the members, especially David Coulton, on delivering this project.”

Warialda P&A Association Secretary David Coulton said that the upgrades were a plan long in the pipeline.

“This has been a long-planned improvement and one that was put forward due to the importance of providing these all-abilities facilities,” Mr Coulton said.

“There are up to 100 volunteers that run and assist at our annual show and the whole community will benefit from the fully accessibly toilet and shower and more modern facilities.

“We are extremely grateful for the grant funding and also recognise the valuable assistance provided by Gwydir Shire Council.”

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