Posted inGrants and funding

New verandah for the Playhouse

The stage is set and the curtains raised on the refurbished Armidale Playhouse Theatre, with the new verandah and bullnose awning complete.

Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall visited the Playhouse to meet with the committee and inspect the finished additions, which he said were the newest addition and final chapter of the Playhouse refurbishment, thanks to a $68,277 grant from the former State Government.

“The Playhouse is an iconic and much-loved small theatre in Armidale, full of history and a hub for drama and cultural enthusiasts,” Mr Marshall said.

“The new verandah and bullnose awning, that sweeps around the east and south of the building, looks fantastic.

“The ‘spill-out’ deck provides an area for audiences and performers to unwind before, after and at intermission of a performance.

“Audiences can enjoy a drink from the bar, before or during the interval of a show, on the new verandah.

“It is a fantastic venue to watch a performance and I’m pleased the refurbishment is now complete.”

Mr Marshall said the Playhouse had held four major theatrical productions with the Armidale Drama and Music Society as well as over 30 different performances this year alone. 

Armidale Playhouse Theatre Manager Stuart Pavel said the verandah would improve comfort for all theatre goers.

“Having the new verandah on the Playhouse has added a whole new level of comfort and convenience for our patrons,” Mr Pavel said.

“No longer will they have to crowd into the foyer to enjoy a drink and talk with friends before, during or after a performance.

“It also adds another layer of safety and protection to the building further enhancing this important community asset.”

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