Posted inHealth, Tamworth

Anderson frustrated by delay on Tamworth PET scan

Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson says the Labor Government’s commitment to deliver a PET Scan to Tamworth Hospital by the end of 2023 is on shaky ground with a timeline for delivery still yet to be determined.

Mr Anderson recently asked a series of questions to the Health Minister regarding his commitment to deliver a PET Scan service to Tamworth Hospital by the end of 2023 and has been left frustrated by the reply.

“We have been building the case for a PET Scan to be delivered at Tamworth Hospital for some time, working with local patients, advocacy groups, and health,” Mr Anderson said.

“The community were rightly excited when their campaign had proven to be a success, with the government committing to deliver a PET Scan to Tamworth by the end of 2023.

“I welcomed the announcement at the time, thanking the Minister for listening to the voice of our community and for committing $2 million to deliver the service.

“I know that since that time, the community have been seeking an update on where the government was up to with delivering the service, and I recently raised these questions with the Minister.

“I am disappointed to update the community that I have received a reply from the Minister and it would appear that little progress has been made since the announcement in April.

“According to the Minister, a tender process for the works has not yet begun, and there is still no update on the cost and timeline of delivery.

“The Government’s commitment was to deliver the service by the end of 2023, and it is my expectation that they deliver on that commitment.

“I’m calling on the Minister to be open and transparent with the Tamworth community, providing a detailed timeline on when the service will be delivered and local patients can access treatment closer to home.”

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