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Small Business Month: creative collective, local GP, post pregnancy fitness

October is Small Business Month! And to celebrate, we’re highlighting some of the great small businesses we have throughout the region.

Today we have a micro-retailer collective, a doctor, and a maternal fitness specialist.

The Clique Curation

The Clique Curation is a small group of artisans, makers, creators, growers and producers who share a creative retail space and a recently added online shopping experience!

When you buy from the Clique Curation, you are actually supporting a whole group of micro-businesses all in the one shop.

“We believe that together, we are more than simply the sum of our parts.”

“Our focus is on regional-sourced handcrafted products.”

“Each contributor has been carefully selected (curated) for their quality products and craftsmanship.”

The Clique Curation are the right place to go to if you’re looking for products or gifts that are:

  • Handcrafted
  • Australian made
  • Regionally-sourced
  • High Quality
  • Unique (and some even a little bit quirky)

For practical implementation purposes, Cheryl manages and curates the talented participants and their gorgeous handcrafted (or grown or produced) products, in order to try and make the retail adventure as successful and sustainable as possible.

“We like to think that we bring something different to Armidale, by offering our town (region) and the visitors passing through, an opportunity to purchase unique, regionally-sourced, handcrafted goods … all in the ONE shop!

“By shopping with us, people are buying direct from the makers themselves – and we are proud to provide such a rare opportunity.”

Uralla Medical Centre

Uralla Medical Centre covers almost all aspects of general medicine and affords a highly standardised medical service to all age groups, interacting with patient through an active Facebook page and responding to the community needs of education and medical services.

Online booking through HealthEngine available – both for face to face and telehealth consultations.

Dr Ricardo Alkhouri replaced Dr Robert Hughes in Uralla Medical Centre in Oct 2012 and became the owner of the medical centre with his wife Rand Shukur in 2014. He works as a full time GP covering after hours, on call for emergency 24/7, visits the McMaugh Gardens Aged Care Facility, BUPA – Armidale & Uniting Aged Care – Armidale two to three times a week, and runs the practice with the help of a practice manager, two receptionists and a practice nurse.

Hours 8.00am-6.00pm. As a mixed billing practice, we offer bulk billing to all Healthcare & Pension Card Holders and all children under 16. Otherwise, our fees are $81.45 for a standard consultation.

Uralla Medical Centre also provides:

  • Covid19 Vaccinations – Pfizer & Moderna (Children & adults) – weekday & weekend clinics
  • Ear wax suction
  • Ultra Sound Guided Musculo-skeletal Injections for pain management
  • Prolotherapy for musculo-skeletal pain management
  • Aboriginal & health assessments
  • Workers compensation
  • Antiwrinkle and fillers injections for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes.

The Uralla Medical Centre is also a collection point for Laverty Pathology, five days a week.

Reignite Women’s Fitness

Reignite Women’s Fitness is helping mums find their spark again through group fitness sessions in Inverell.

Reignite sessions support mums to build their strength and fitness without being burnt out. Improving their confidence and mental wellbeing while making friends and having fun.

Reignite Women’s Fitness is owned by Jo Hilet, a locally raised mum of 2 and a certified Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist. Reignite Women’s Fitness was formed following Jo’s first postnatal journey where she realised the information provided to mums to just “do what you used to do pre-pregnancy” was just not as simple as that.

“We understand the reality of being a mum and having a baby in your care 24/7 which is why all Reignite sessions are baby/child friendly. You can bring them with you! Setting a good example of health and fitness as they grow.”

Your local MumSafe Trainer Jo is a Level 1 MumSafe trainer with over a year of ongoing education and training and a part of a committed team of trainers in Australia and New Zealand who all support the mission of safe and effective exercise at every stage of Motherhood.

We are aligned with physios to ensure our mums are provided with a team of professionals to help them during their pregnancy and postnatal exercise journeys.

Throughout October, we’ll run stories highlighting the great local businesses we have right here in our communities. This is a free service – the businesses highlighted have not paid for this story.

Please share this story to help support New England businesses! See all our Small Business Month profiles here.

Lia Edwards is a staff writer for the New England Times.