Posted inGlen Innes

Glen Innes pool gets a facelift and funding boost

The Glen Innes Aquatic Centre is about to undergo another major facelift, thanks to a $332,710 State Government grant.

Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall announced the grant which is aimed to help reduce operational and maintenance costs for ratepayers, by making the pool more energy efficient as well as provide money for maintenance. Improvements including a new layer of gel on the pool surfaces, solar panels, and new pool blankets to retain more heat. 

“The Glen Innes Aquatic Centre is an important and very popular social, recreational and sporting hub for the community and this funding will further enhance it for locals and visitors,” Mr Marshall said.

“Solar panels and a shade cover will be installed which will help reduce operational costs of running the pool and in turn is a good outcome for ratepayers.

“Especially at this time where costs are rising everywhere – solar panels and a shade cover will be a welcomed relief for council.”

“At the moment, a lot of heat escapes from the top of the pool and in Glen Innes’ cold climate and the new pool heat blankets should keep the pool warmer for longer during the year, using less energy to do it.”

“The pool will also receive a fresh coat of gel on its surface, replacing the existing eight-year-old coating. This will ensure that the main pool is safe, smooth and well maintained for future generations of swimmers.”

Glen Innes Severn Council Mayor Rob Banham welcomed the funding and said it would help council address some longstanding maintenance and cost issues at the complex, saving ratepayers significant annual costs.

“Making the pool more energy efficient will save council and ratepayers significant funds each year,” Cr Banham said.

“We can then use these savings to continually upgrade facilities at the pool, instead of just keeping it running as it is now.”

Top image: back row, left, Glen Innes Redfins Swimming Club members Glenn McConnell, Beth Arandale, Steven McAllister and Dakota Kerr. Middle, Mary Arandale, left, Sienna McConnell, Ashton McConnell, Vanessa McIntyre. Front, Mayor Rob Banham, left, Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall and Deputy Mayor Troy Arandale.

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