Posted inSport, Tamworth

Come and Try Hockey for three Saturdays in Tamworth

The Tamworth Hockey Association are running three come-and-try hockey days over three Saturday mornings starting this weekend.

Separate programs for school age children and adults will be run on each the come and try days. The event will be hosted at the Tamworth Hockey Centre in the Tamworth Regional Sporting Complex on Saturday March 18, March 25, and April 1. It’s free and you don’t need to book in advance, just register on the day.

Tamworth Hockey has around 1200 members, being one of the largest sports in Tamworth. They run competitions for all ages and skill levels, including:

  • Tadpoles (pre-school level)
  • Minkey (6 to 9 years of age boys & girls)
  • Girls (U11, U13, U15 & U18 girls)
  • Boys (U11, U13, U15 & Secondary Boys)
  • Mixed Monday Night U18 Competition.

​For the adults (both mens and womens) have three grades plus a mid-week Masters competition for the over 35’s to enable people of all levels to enjoy the sport.

On the come-and-try day you will learn how to dribble, pass the ball, shoot goals and play some games. You’ll also be able to find out all the details on how to register and what’s involved in playing hockey with the Frogs.

Separate age based programs will run simultaneously. The club is particularly keen for younger kids to come and try Minkey Hockey. It will be free for Under 7’s and Under 9’s to play Minkey Hockey in 2023.

All equipment will be provided, so you just need to show up and register from 8.45am, with the sessions starting at 9.15am. All sessions should be wrapped up by 10.15.

For more information contact the Tamworth Hockey Association via their website or Facebook Page.

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Lia Edwards is a staff writer for the New England Times.