An 84-year-old man has died in hospital following a crash between a mobility scooter and a car in Glen Innes last month.
Around 10am on Sunday February 12, emergency services were called to Grey Street, where the two vehicles collided.
“The deceased was on a mobility scooter on Grey Street, Glen Innes. As he has approached a shared pedestrian zone, he has turned west across the road at the shared crossing and he has been hit by a motor vehicle that was travelling approximately 20km/hour,” said Inspector Darren Williams, Armidale Police Station.
The collision caused the mobility scooter to flip onto its side trapping the gentleman underneath. The man was released and conveyed quickly to Glen Innes hospital, before being transferred to John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle.
The man was returned to Glen Innes Hospital in early March, into palliative care, where he passed away a few days later from his injuries.
The driver of the car was uninjured.
“Glen Innes being a small community this will have an effect.”
“I would say this gentleman would be well known and this will have an effect on the community as they don’t see incidents of this type on a regular basis,” Inspector Williams said.
Police are calling for drivers to slow down, check twice and stay safe on our roads.
“If you are approaching a pedestrian crossing, do so with care.”
“Make sure you check the footpaths and that no one is walking.”
“Particularly now that schools are back and the kids are out crossing roads, be mindful of the facts of pedestrian monitors,” he said.
“Take your time. Better to slow down and be sure, and be safe, than risk the burden of having this on your conscience.”
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