Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

The University of New England’s Orientation Week was a huge success. Over the week UNE welcomed more than 500 new students, both international and domestic. On Lifesaver Day we caught up with some students in attendance to learn more about them, and why they chose to come to UNE.


Jess is a new education student from Glen Innes

Jess (they/she), who studies a Bachelor of Education and is from Glen Innes, chose to come to UNE because of what it offered.

“It was the only university I could find with the degree that I wanted, which is K-12 teaching, that also had a pretty good drama program.”

“The fact that it’s close to home helped but it was mainly my choice of degree.”

Jess’s focus in their Bachelor of Education is Drama and English. She lives on campus at Wright Village. When asked what they are most looking forward to this year Jess said, “Probably my classes, because I’m interested in them, and also being a part of the theatre society and the writers’ society.”

Her favourite food is lasagne.


Jess is a new Animal Sciences student, pictured with their partner Elli

Clover Parker (he/they), who is from Coffs Harbour originally but now lives in town in Armidale, said they chose UNE mainly for convenience.

“I just really liked the courses they had, and we were planning on moving here so it was convenient.”

Clover studies Animal Sciences and Zoology at UNE. This year he is most looking forward to his classes.

“Doing biology for the first time, I’ve been doing some research into it, and I’ve been planning on checking out the rock-climbing wall as well.”

Their favourite animal is “Probably an otter.”


Isaac is an exchange student from Canada studying teaching

Isaac is an exchange student from Quebec. His university has a partnership program with the University of New England, allowing him to study here for the trimester.

“My university has a special partnership here where I can come on exchange while still being signed up at my university.”

He is currently living at Mary White, and studies English as A Second Language (ESL) Education.

“My program focuses on all of it, so K-12.”

“I have to teach through all of that, and I’ll also teach overseas in different contexts.”

This year Isaac is most looking forward to campus life.

“Back home I don’t live on campus, so being in a college and being on campus.”

“And also the great weather here compared to back in Canada.”

In addition to English and French, Isaac also speaks three other languages.


Hayley (left) is a theatre and performance student from Moorland, pictured with her friend Isabella

Hayley (she/they) is from a little town just south of Port Macquarie called Moorland. They study theatre at UNE.

“So I’m doing a bachelor of arts with a major in theatre and performance, and a minor in writing.”

Hayley chose to come to UNE because of what they had heard about it.

“I liked UNE because I got a lot of recommendations from my siblings’ friends, and also because there is a big theatre presence around.”

Hayley lives at Austin College, which is currently combined with Earl Page. She chose to move to college for the opportunities it offers.

“I chose the college because its really good for building up that social aspect.”

“You meet a bunch of people you’ve never met before, it’s good for making friends, and its just fun.”

This year she’s most looking forward to classes and being a part of the community.

“I’m really looking forward to starting lectures and getting more involved with things I want to do and starting to build up to get where I want to.”

Her favourite theatre performance would be one of the classics, like Shakespeare.

“My favourite would probably be Macbeth,” Hayley said.

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