Posted inSport, Tamworth

Best in Women’s rugby heading to Tamworth

One tournament, two divisions, 48 teams, 6 fields, and 3,200 minutes of the best in women’s tens rugby is set to kick off in Tamworth later this year.

The second weekend in April brings the Tenstam Pty Ltd Tamworth Women’s International Rugby Tens Tournament to the Plain Street playing fields with the NSW Government supporting the event with a $100,000 grant from the Regional Events Acceleration Fund.

Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said the event would bring the best in women’s rugby to Tamworth with the allure of more than $30,000 in prize money set to prove too good to pass up for teams from across Australia.

“Tamworth is fortunate to host a range of significant sporting events throughout the year which brings the very best athletes from around the country to our city,” Mr Anderson said.

“This event will be no different with the best of the best in women’s rugby slated to make the trip to Tamworth in April.

“We have seen more and more women take up the game played in heaven over the past few years, and I know this event will inspire future generations to take up the sport.

“Not only will the event inspire the next generation of rugby players, but I know that local businesses will be cheering when the hotels are full, pubs and restaurants are busy, and local grocery and retail businesses see an uptick in trade through a normally quiet period.”

Tournament Co-Director Bill Fitzgerald said the tournament would be the biggest women’s rugby event ever in Australia

“We’re looking to crown the biggest winner in women’s rugby by bringing together one tournament, two division, 6 fields, 7 states and territories, 48 teams, 160 games, 868 players, and 3,200 minutes of live streaming to Tamworth,” Mr Fitzgerald said.

“It’s going to be huge with food trucks, marquees, accessible toilets, watering stations, and more on offer for crowds to enjoy the action.”

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