Posted inTenterden

White ants to become dead ants in Tenterden

The 41 people that live in Tenterden will soon no longer be outnumbered by the white ants at Tenterden Hall.

The army of white ants which has laid siege to the almost century-old Tenterden Hall will be eliminated and the damage caused repaired after Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall today announced a State Government grant of $23,013 for essential upgrades and building works.

Mr Marshall said the grant, provided under the NSW Crown Reserves Improvement Fund, would go towards repairing the building after white ants damaged the floor and walls, as well as upgrades to the hall entrance, doors and ramps.

“Tenterden Hall has been the focal point for everyone in the district for almost 100 years, where locals have celebrated the good times and come together in the bad,” Mr Marshall said.

“But in recent years the hall has literally been eaten away by white ants and now the local land managers are fighting back with some big plans to remove the ants, the damage they have caused and upgrade the hall.

“This grant will allow them to do the work and continue their program of upgrades, started last year with a previous grant for a new toilet block and rainwater tank for the hall.

Tenterden Recreation Reserve Land Manager Robert Martin warmly welcomed the funding which he said would be mostly used to repair white ant damage to the building.

“We had a pest inspection due to suspected white ant damage. The report showed considerable damage to the floor joists and other wall structures.”

“Any remaining money will be used towards upgrading the side access doors and ramps to ensure we are compliant with work health and safety requirements,” Mr Martin said. 

“The grant will mean a more structurally sound building and therefore will be safe for all users.” 

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